‘The Visionary Masterclass’ Program

Are you ready to level-up and get what you want?

Are you ready to eliminate toxic and limiting self-doubts and old habits that are not serving you?

You want to stay focused on the outcome and get into alignment with your intentions;

The ultimate step by step guide to get your body and your mind in balance so you can achieve your goals;


  Fear of Judgement & Fear of Failure 

seem to be holding you back from levelling up


As much as you try to reach specific goals

you keep getting to a certain point & never past that


You don’t want to settle for less anymore


You want to know what is blocking you from reaching your goals & living your dream


You feel like you keep choosing the same type of partner over and over again


You feel stuck! This can’t be it! 

Deep down you know that there is something more fulfilling out there for you;


You still haven’t found your true purpose in life


You have tried everything and keep going back to old patterns & behaviours


Get rid of those toxic self-doubts that are hovering within you,

stopping you from living the best version of yourself.

Now it is time for you to LEVEL UP

& be the successful and confident achiever!

What this program offers you:

  • Learn everything about the power of your subconscious mind & the rules of the mind;

  • What are limiting beliefs?When and why did you create limiting beliefs?

  • Find out what is holding you back from reaching your goals

  • How you reprogram your mind

  • You are given a structured step-by-step plan for your daily actions;

  • Full powerful Hypnosis for your self-worth and success which on its own is worth more than this program

  • Manifestation at its best

  • Get into alignment with your visions & your goals

  • Eliminate those money blocks

  • Change your money mindset & reprogram yourself to reach your goals and attract more abundance

I have been there!

Only about ten years ago I have been exactly at that point!
I had been through a nasty divorce. A single mother with two little toddlers.
Financially destroyed and completely overwhelmed by the responsibilities.
How would I ever get into a better place and how could I provide for my girls?
Looking back, I was slipping from one depressive episode to the next.
During my 5 years stay in Thailand, I more and more read into the power of the subconscious mind.
I read all the books available on personal development and watched videos by Dr. Joe Dispenza, Esther Abraham Hicks and Eckart Tolle … etc.
Their teachings were life changing for me.
The last piece of puzzle was the discovery of hypnosis. A tool that goes right to the core issue of our belief system.
And that is how my new life flourished and I discovered my bigger purpose, which is to help women and men to eliminate toxic self-doubts & beliefs that are not serving them!
Seeing my clients thrive and grow is the biggest gift for me!
So, based on my own personal journey, experience and studies, I have now created this stepping stone for you.
A step into YOUR new life. Change any unwanted habits, beliefs and behavior!
It is a simple decision away from you…
It only takes commitment, repetition & determination!

Just imagine yourself ...

  • Imagine how you naturally pursue your goals with focus and passion.

  • You love what you do and you experience more and more situations arising ‘out of nowhere’ offering new opportunities.

  • Imagine yourself earning much more money, than you ever did before. Being able to travel and afford to buy the things you love.

  • Experience how you love your body and feel eager to eat and live healthily without depriving yourself of anything.

  • Picture yourself getting up in the morning feeling passionate about what you do and you can’t wait to tackle the day.

  • You feel energized and confident, following your morning routine with joy, knowing how important it is on your path to success.

"Before my session with Sonia, I had always held myself back and limited myself in my progress. That's in the past now! I found clarity and feel that quantum leap happening! Thank you Sonia."
Nathalie - UK

This guide gives you all YOU need
to take the first step into the right direction Experience a new life of Balance, Ease and Empowerment
On all levels of YOUR being!

This Program is For YOU if...

You are MOTIVATED and READY to finally let go of toxic self-doubts & old habits that are not serving you


You finally want to let go of limiting beliefs that are holding you back from living the abundant life that YOU want

You finally want to COMMIT 100% to change your life so YOU can THRIVE

You CAN follow instructions and show determination on your path to become a SUCCESSFUL ACHIEVER

You want to finally RAISE YOUR STANDARDS and pursue YOUR

Module 1:

Includes an introduction to Sonia, the content and how to practice 
‘The Visionary Masterclass’ in order to gain the maximum results!


Module 2: The Rules of the Mind

• The rules of the mind
• What is holding you back from reaching your goals
How and when did we create (limiting) beliefs
Examples of limiting beliefs

Module 3: The Impact of an Aligned Morning Routine

• Detox Your Physical Body
• Exercise or practice any sport that feels good
Visualizing & Mantra – Feeling into the Having of it
• Meditation & Mindfulness
Journaling & Gratitude List
Power of Music

Module 4: Full Hypnosis for Your Success and Self-Worth

• Full hypnosis for your success journey and self-worth
• How to manifest and getting you into alignment with what you want
• Imagine the future you

Step-by-step guide to get you into the vibration of receiving

Module 5: Money & Receiving Mindset

• What is your money mindset?
• Where and how did you create it?
• How to reprogram and rewire your mindset
7 Day – Transformational Challenge

Module 6: Workbooks – Step by step to creating
YOUR individualised program

  • Your Future YOU 
  • Visualization for the NEW YOU as regards to Relationship,
    Work/Purpose, Health,Time, Money & Freedom
  • Your Mantra for the Universe
  • Script, Gratitude & Facts
  • Your Morning Routine Program
  • Abundance & Money Mindset Challenge

What people say about Sonia

Svenia M. (Germany)
I am so very grateful for Sonia’s work. My husband died last year and my two daughters )9 and 12 years old) suffer a lot with this loss and are in therapeutic care. In spite of this I often had to helplessly watch how they retreated themselves and changed their character. As I had experienced great relief with hypnosis during this difficult time and wished for the same effect for my girls. Sonia, with her loving, empathetic and special way, created a wonderful level of trust to each of my girls so they were actually looking forward to the session with Sonia. The instant effect was overwhelming! It was as if a huge weight was lifted from their shoulders. They sleep calmly without nightmares and appear much more in balance with themselves. Their joy in life is back. Sonia has evoked a little bit of magic.
My work with Sonia was about speaking in public. I did not ever dare to speak in front of a group of 20 people. But after the hypnosis session with Sonia I could speak in front of groups of 20 and much more as if it was the most natural thing in the world. I used to feel anxious and nervous when I was in public trying to hide and avoid large groups. During the regression we discovered the reason for this old belief. It was due to some unfortunate experiences in my childhood, such as ‘not having a voice’ or not having been given the chance to explain myself, that all these little experiences evoked that I thought I wasn’t capable of speaking loud and clear and use my voice. Especially not in front of a large group! It’s such a pleasure now to have an open conversation from heart to heart with people and to see how interested the people are in what I have to say. Thank you, Sonia for creating such a warm and safe space for me, it was so easy and comfortable to open myself and I am very grateful for such a beautiful transformation.
Before the session with Sonia, I had always held myself back and limited myself in my progress. I had periods where I procrastinated and unintentionally prevented myself from progressing in my business. Most of all, it was fears and limiting beliefs that prevented me from fully diving into my true 'self' and trusting myself completely. During the session Sonia guided me emphatically and very precisely to the root of my problem, which enabled me to understand a lot and finally let go. I now go out in public full of confidence and without fears and feel comfortable with myself. I no longer procrastinate and work in a focused and structured way on the important things that move me forward. When I notice that I'm overextending myself, I also take a healthy time-out. I feel encouraged and full of drive to implement all my ideas and plans. Sonia is a very emphatic and competent therapist and I felt very understood and safe with her. I heartily recommend Sonia for anyone who wants to overcome their fears and sustainably get rid of bad habits in order to experience inner liberation. Thank you so very much, dear Sonia!
Mel (Paris, France)
What a beautiful person. Sonia has a very calming approach to therapy. I felt immediately at ease with her. Very professional and was able to direct the session even though I was pretty challenging. Sonia listened to my intake very well and incorporated it in my beautiful recording which I enjoy very much. Excited to embrace my life with new eyes. Thank you Sonia
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